Thursday, September 27, 2007

Brown brown brown

I have the brownest, most boring dingy tank! One suggestion was to move my black background around to the blue side... course I can't afford Metal Halides and that would brighten things up. I also have an odd amount of algae and it's covering everything! I can't wait til I have a pretty tank...

Anyway... new baby mushroom! I now have 3

This one rock is TONS of pink coralline

I'm getting purple streaks on the back glass... the tank is at least starting to get some color

Zoo's still doing Grrrreat

My Xenia is slowly dying =/

Kenya tree... same ol same ol...

The dying Xenia branches.. no reason... just dying while everything else is flourishing. This picture was last night and as of today it's even worse.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Few Pictures

First off is our new little emerald crab, his name is Shrek.. he's going to help with the Algae issues.

Thanks to an outbreak of ich, Hercules and the Little Mermaid are in Quarantine (yes my quarantine is dirty.. darned hard water)

Baby shrooms! If you look behind the purple mushroom there are 2 babies.. yay!

I also have new Zoo's coming in (the grey-ish tubes at the bottom of the rock)! Wow the tank does a lot better when there's no electrical current, go figure.

Rocky perching as usual.

Lots and lots of the dark purple coralline is coming in. I have a few spots of the pink but mostly the dark purple.

My Kenya Tree has opened up.

Jaq mainly stays in his little cave but will come out to eat... and he eats upside down.

My one problem area.. there are hair worms in all of that algae so Rocky won't go near it, I'm hoping Shrek will take care of it. There are also tons of bristle worm tracks in the sand (below the surface).

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Been a while

We've now gone almost a month without anything dying! It's a record... course... no electrical current helps.

Got some new fishies today... they are both false percs and are such a gorgeous color. Problem is trying to catch them holding still! Here are some fuzzy pictures of them.

Here's Rocky.. a face only a mother could love.

My Zoo's are doing GREAT!

Butterfly is in a huff still. She lost her home to Rocky and has been really skiddish and hiding a lot since.

Got a purple Kenya Tree today too, isn't it pretty?!?

Not a clue what this is! I have these little trail jobbies in my sand.

I love my little stars... I think I'm up to 4

My Mushroom is growing fast!