After much hesitation.. I finally ordered fish and critters online. WOW I'd do it again! I was impressed that everything arrived alive and took little time to get used to things and start eating. My cleaner clam took all of 5 seconds to disappear under the sand, I'm guessing I won't see it much.
Here I'm temperature acclimating my new coral and a lot of crabs and snails.

My last coral beauty jumped out of the tank so I'm trying again. This is just a little guy.

I'm also going to try my hand at a starfish, so I opted for a Brittle Star.

Once in the tank after acclimation he immediately began moving around, looking for a good home. He's not settled into some rockwork.
I also got a Green Ricordea frag, it opened up almost immediately.

The Porcelain Crab found a niche and started picking at the rocks.

A quick shot of my GSP.

The Queen Conch is rather boring but hopefully she starts cleaning up!

My Zoos are looking a tad better, still not stretching up much but at least they are opening again.

Here's the Coral Beauty again... and her sister Flo.

A Jade Hermit and a Turbo Snail... not sure if they are kissing or fighting.... erm... yeah..