Here's mid-setup, I'm not going step-by-step on this one... I just did that 2 weeks ago.

I did have this tank drilled twice.

My gorgeous Rocky in his new home... took him a while but he's finally off to find a new home.

A rare glimpse at my starfish, she's always hidden deep under a rock.

Poor guys, relocated three times in 2 weeks, they have spent the last 2 days crammed into the 10 gallon QT.

He's looking desperately for algae... give me time, I'll have a ton I'm sure.

Didn't take the "Mouth" long to open up.

I isolated out my GSP rock so it can grow all it wants and can't spread.. the other GSP is going to get pulled off it's rock and put on this one. It hasn't opened up yet.

My Candy Canes are TICKED! I did notice that they are growing a new head, not sure if it made it through the move though... this was a rough move.

Frogspawn are looking good, not opened all the way but still good color.

In the middle of the night my Zoo frag got dumped over onto it's polyps.. it's had the hardest life!

Digita looking great, that is one HARDY coral.

Kenya Tree is pouting today, he's hard to see.. purple rock.. purple coral.

My newest addition, a rainbow ricordea.. it looks green but "should" grow more colors as it gets bigger.

The other new addition, a blue ricordea.

Full tank shot.

Right side.


Left Side.