First up is a new green bubble coral, got it yesterday and it's pretty sad looking. I'm not sure it's going to make it through acclimation.

I was worried about this Crocea Clam acclimating but it's fully open and happy! This picture doesn't do justice to the gorgeous purple and blue markings.

My sick tongue coral quit dying off and hopefully will fully recover.

Torch coral... or hammer coral... I'm not so sure anymore which it is. It looks like my frogspawn but once it's happy it should extend fully and we'll know for sure what it is.

This is all that's left of all of those zoos but so far they are doing well and open up everyday.

My Xenia is spreading like mad! It's pulsing and flowing away, very beautiful coral.

Nothing happening with the Acro... guess we'll just wait it out, it opens but seems stunted.

Each of my 2 candy cane heads is splitting, one is splitting into two and the other into 3.

The digita grows like MAD! I love it!

My frogspawn is even branching out a bit.

Full tank shot, I am sooo loving the look of the 14,000k bulbs over the 10,000k. LOTS more blue.