More of the new brood. I put in 5-6 new crabs and about 5 nessarius snails.. the snails promptly RAN and I can no longer find them... I'm hoping they are hiding under the sand somewhere.

As soon as I dumped in some new crabs and a few empty hermit shells, it seems every hermit crab from miles around came and exchanged houses, my tank is starting to look like a used shell lot.

Eeeeeew diatoms are getting BAD! I'm assured by everyone that has a tank that it's a good sign, supposed to happen after the cycle has finished but WOW, there is brown on everything and everywhere. One of my poor snails is now covered in it too.

Hair worm #4, if they are reproducing I'm in trouble because I'm gaining about 1 a week.

This picture is fuzzy... look very closely toward the center top of that middle rock and you can see a clear blur. That's a critter. I actually have a bunch of them, copepods maybe? See John! I do know what some of this stuff is.

Butterfly scared me to death!! I got up yesterday morning, turned on the PC lights and she was clear! I could see her tummy and her heart beating. I rushed to work in a panic but then found out that some fish actually fade when the lights go out, it's a camouflage. Within a few minutes of being under lights she got her color back.

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