Firstly... meet Snow White and Cinderella... to go with Sleeping Beauty. HEY, if you know my family you know why we have all those names.

Now why no pictures of my new sand sifting friend from HADES?? Simple... demons can't be photographed.
Fish Type : Diamond Gobby
Temperment : Timid (in WHOSE world??)
Diet : Carnivore (yeah... my toe)
I put the Gobby and the 2 new princesses in the acclimation bucket and kept hearing an odd noise.. I look over and my fish tank is covered in water and the floor is wet! I go over and start the acclimation process.. which normally involves scooping out water from the bucket while slowly replacing it with tank water... but this time it opened the doors of hell and that so-called fish started jumping OUT of the bucket!
Now now.. you all know that I don't "touch" fish.. I raise them... I watch them... I don't TOUCH them! Now I'm faced with a jumping killer fish. I debate and debate and decide to just dump them into the main tank... hoping the shock doesn't kill them.
I dump in my bucket and plop... plop... there go the chromis... the water empties out of the bucket and no 3rd plop... musta missed it so I lay the bucket down and low-and-behold that thing is flopping around inside the dry bucket!! Scared the crap out of me!
I let him flop for a while.. figuring he was bound to wear himself out... he stopped flopping and I dumped him into the water where he floated down into the depths of outter darkness... ok maybe not THAT low but he's now hiding behind my rocks planning world domination no doubt.
I can breathe now... off to find a good Priest to exorcise this tank.
BTW, I named him Charles Manson... Manny for short.
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