First up is the mushroom, the "old timers" of the tank.

My newest addition, candy cane corals... I hate the look of the epoxy holding them on but they wouldn't stay upright.

Green Star Polyp rock #1

Green Star Polyp rock #2... I have WAY too much GSP as it grows fast and is considered a weed but I already had some when I found more on a new rock I had added to the tank.

My Ricordeas, they were dying in the old tank but have perked up nicely in this one! It grew another mouth and yup, it's splitting again.

My new pride and joy... a Frogspawn coral, isn't it pretty??

The Digita is growing nicely and is all puffed out with new white tips.

Complimentary tank shot.

My unknown SPS coral is turning brown which is wonderful! White coral is bleached and dying coral and now it's getting some color back.

All 5 fish... does Rocky remind you of the neighborhood grouch? "Get off my rock!"

I'm taking care of this pest this weekend, seems my aiptasia is getting bigger.

We lost both Shrek and my Featherduster Worm in the move :( I still haven't seen the porcelain crab so I don't know if she made it or not.
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