Right side of my tank

Left side...

My torch, it hasn't grown much and I don't know enough about them to know if it's doing well or not.

My tongue has put on an inch over the last month! The skeleton is still there, not sure if it'll re-cover that spot but it's growing well.

One of my sponges, it's slightly bigger than a silver dollar.

Mushroom Rock

This is my RBTA, it's usually bigger but he crammed into a crevice. My clowns got a divorce... or one snores... one sleeps in the RBTA and one in the Condy.

GSP Rock

Green fuzzy mushroom


Digita, a lot of it died off when I first got it but it's recovering slowly.

My condy and it's hosting clown.

Purple clam, he's planted his foot up against the front glass

My candy canes recently split again.

This is one of the baby Bangaii's, they are growing fast!

I think this is an Acro, it's never grown, never dies, just glows green in it's spot.

Wow, this is amazing! How many gallons is your tank?
Wow, only took m 3 months to respond! It's a 110 gallon long tank with a 20 gallon sump
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