Friday, October 21, 2016

Setting Up the 150

We started setting up the 150 gallon tank last night.  I inherited some soft coral yesterday so we had to push up the date a bit.  I started with a full tank/sump of tap water, which we ran through the pumps and filters to check for leaks or problems.  All went smoothly!

Now, the refugium is full of salt water and is warming up.  When the sand settles, I will transfer the new soft corals into the refugium until the upper tank is full.

The Sump/Refugium

It's taking forever to fill the 150 gallon tank with the slow trickle coming in from the RO/DI unit.  It pushes out about 4 gallons an hour.  Patience, I know...

The tank itself is looking pretty good.  I didn't know our basement is tilted though, so the water level is 1/2" higher on the right.  I bet no one really notices, but it's going to drive me batty for a while!  

Corals I got yesterday from a fellow Utah Reefer:
  • Green Star Polyps
  • Kenya Tree
  • Sinularia
  • Mushroom Leather

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